(234) 7030189952, 08035477439

Methodist College of Health Technology, Ebenta, Benue

The Methodist College of Health Technology, Ebenta, Benue State is a tertiary institution of learning committed to the training of human capacity for healthcare, including nursing, midwifery, occupational health, community and public health and basic health sciences.

The College of Health Technology at Ebenta, near Oju, Benue State, trains Community health extension Workers (CHEWs) who are the backbone of rural health care in Nigeria.

The College achieved its provisional re-accreditation in 2019, thanks to a lot of hard work by the Provost, Pastor Freedom Ojenya, Very Revd Janet Daramola, a member of the Medical Board of Methodist Church Nigeria and the late Right Revd JaJa Kantiyok, Bishop of Igede.

We love to support these students so NHCP has a special fundraising appeal at the moment to enable the College to be fully accredited.