(234) 7030189952, 08035477439

Rt.  Rev. (Dr). Abiodun Taiwo
Secretary of Conference (2022- Date)

The Secretary of Conference is the Head (Finance and Administration) in the Conference Office. He assists the Prelate as the administrative head of the staff of Conference Office, and is responsible for all staff matters and the General Administration of the Conference Office.

He acts as the Secretary of Conference, of the Conference Connexional Council and the Electoral College; coordinates their meetings and activities including the Biennial Conference as well as inter Church relations and matters relating thereto.

Tel: 01-2702563


Rt.  Rev. (Dr). Michael O. Akinwale 
Secretary of Conference (2016 - 2022)

Most Rev. (Dr). Raphael C. Opoko 
Secretary of Conference (2006 - 2016)

Most Rev.  Michael K. Stephen 
Secretary of Conference (1996 - 2006)